9:00 Am - 1:00 PM @ OK PRODUCE, DOWNTOWN FResno, CA

BUS DROP OFF LOCATION: 2012 S. Pearl St. Fresno, CA 93721

Plenty of free bus and automobile parking during event. Maps will be provided.

YOU MATTER DAY 2025 will be here before we know it. This celebration of service shows how much we value, care about, and want to support our community. Fresno matters and let’s show it.

Join us to make this a meaningful day of giving by:

  1. Hosting a service project that supports the Fresno community.

  2. Bringing your students to participate in meaningful service.

  3. Volunteering and helping us make it an amazing day.

    SIGN-UP for YOU MATTER DAY 2025. Together, let’s make service matter.


NEW THIS YEAR - The OK Produce T-Shirt Design Content

Last year, you designed a new OK Produce Truck. This year, you get a chance to design a new OK Produce T-Shirt.

Bring Your creativity and fun. You might see your design on an ok produce t-shirt!


For more information, contact the FCSS Prime Team at or (559) 303-5446.